Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Checking in ...

Morning Girlfriend!

I know, I know - haven't been posting.  Just.  So.  Busy!  I haven't forgotten about you … or my goals but I have to say, I have been a total shit show for the last few weeks.  The only thing I've managed to stick to is taking my vitamins (most days, anyway).  Water - mmmm - maybe a litre a day.  Exercise - my standard half hour walk with Doodles.  Eating …. well …. let's just say Craig mara a carrot cake and I haven't measured/weighed anything in weeks.

That's ok.

I made those choices.

I'm not weak.  I'm still a good person.  My family still loves me.  My jeans still fit,  Nothing in my life has changed.

Having said that I'm DONE with feeling the way I do.  I'm comfortable MENTALLY with my shape/size but I'm telling you my joints, energy, skin … they are all in the tank!  My body simply can't take this weight.  So.  I've spent a lot of time over the last 2 weeks figuring out what to do and how to do it.  See, the problem is, I'm not "disgusted" with the way I look … so I haven't been as dedicated to the healthy eating/exercise gig.  But I NEED to be … so then the same old panic-mode kicks in.  How do I lose the weight FAST so I feel better in two days.


There's the problem.  The "fast" part.  So.  My thinking has taken longer than usual.  In the past I would just jump into any sort of diet plan believing I couldn't do it any other way.  I now acknowledge I CAN, I just was choosing not to.  Like 50% of the women out there I was looking for the quick fix - the magic pill - the easy way out.  We all know there isn't one.

Let's zoom ahead a bit (cause I seriously have SO much to do before heading to camp with Alicia tomorrow - for 3 days!).

I want to lose weight; I want to do it in a healthy way; I don't want to diet; I'm not patient.

I decided it was "ok" to be on a "plan" … but not a Jenny Craig or Ideal Protein or Atkins Diet.  It's ok to be on a supplement plan that is NOT a diet but WILL result in weight loss … and if I stick to it the weight WILL come off and in a more regulated, safe time line.

I bought the 30 day plan for Isagenix.  Now only the people reading this blog plus one dear friend know I'm going on this plan.  Why?  Not because I'm embarrassed but because I don't want it to be a big deal!  I don't want anyone to think, or see, that anything drastic will change.  I don't want my daughters to think I'm dieting.  I don't want the pressure of "oh!  how much have you lost already".  I don't want ANY sort of diet mentality.  I simply can't handle it.  Yes, this system does have a "60 day challenge" associated with it … if I want it.  I don't.  I've told my "dealer" that yes, she/I can weigh and measure me on day one but I want nothing to do with scales or measurements for a very long while.  No X-day challenges.  NO timelines.  I want to just quietly get healthier.

The gist of the plan is a 1 day cleanse per week.  A shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch and a sensible dinner - with supplements.  I think the calorie intake goal is around 1,200 a day.  Whatever - 1,200 - 1,500.  All good.

I chose this plan because it really won't be drastically different than what I do now (minus the carrot cake!)  I currently HAVE a shake for breakfast and (generally) soup for lunch.  A shake for lunch isn;t a big change.  A sensible dinner will be close to what I have now too - I'll just watch my portions a little closer … and I'll feed the family in a healthier way as well.  Craig has been feeling the aches and pains of being another year older and recently asked if he was getting fat!  The girls still have too much processed food/grains and although they get lots of fruit I need to step up their vegetable game a bit.  So this plan will be good for everyone (of course they won't "see" that I'm on shakes as well) and I'll feel like I have support of the family by everyone eating the same, healthy meals.

I plan to start Monday(ish).  I'm at camp until Friday, have a stamping get together Saturday morning so hope to pick up my products on the weekend.

That's the plan.

Just for today I choose to eat like a "healthy" woman does.  First step - always the hardest.

I'll be AWOL again until next week but will check in once I start the plan to let you know how I'm doing.

Thanks for sticking with me, Girlfriend!   Love you!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the Isagenix, Tamara! I hope it helps you. You are certainly not someone who hasn't tried!!

