Sunday, October 2, 2016

Practicing Patience ...

Hey Girlfriend!

I've been wanted to catch up all week but been too busy!!  Just sitting here waiting for the kids to come home from grandma's house - my brother is in town.  They totally adore him so spent the night over there to "hang with Unkey".  It's been a lovely kid-free day!

SO!  Let's talk about where I'm at with this new Isagenix journey of mine!

So far so good (although I must say I'm totally fighting the munchies today!)

I started the program Monday.  I've stuck to two shakes a day - breakfast and lunch.  I was just talking to Wanda (my health coach and cheerleader *lol*) telling her I'm SO glad I'm doing a 2-day cleanse starting tomorrow because if I have to have one more shake I might gag.  Hee hee.  Now don't get me wrong - up until today I've been totally on board with the shakes and/or bars.  It actually was a GREAT week to start.  I was so busy that I really didn't have time to stop for lunch so shakes and/or bars-on-the-go were just perfect for me!  I had a stash of almonds in my purse, along with some of their healthy chocolates and snacks (Scooby Snacks as I call them!)  I think three days I needed to dip into the almonds.  Amazing how 8 little almonds can carry you over!!  So.  Shake for breakfast (2 scoops of the shake with 1 cup water; 1 scoop of some sort of other nutrient) then I add in half a banana, a few strawberries (or cinnamon) and 2 scoops of my new favourite thing "PB2", which is powdered peanut butter.  LOVE it!  A fraction of the fat and calories of regular peanut butter and help the flavour of the shakes immensely.  I have to admit I really don't care for the taste of the shakes so if I can mask it I'm happy!

I've been drinking 2.5 litres of water a day and having ridiculously healthy snacks and dinners.  Cucumbers, peppers, quinoa, salads … heck, I was out for dinner on Wednesday (Jubilations) and I actually ordered the FISH!! … moreover I took the dessert home for Alicia!  Sheesh!  Went out again last night to an Italian restaurant.  I was beyond controlled having a teeny little piece of bread with some bruschetta, some soup and a salad!  No pasta!  Now that HAS to be a first for this carb whore! *lol*

Weekends I struggle to keep out of the munchies but so far so good.  Tomorrow I start my 2 day deep cleanse.  As I said, I'm looking forward to it.

I haven't weighed myself since starting - and I WANT to resist the urge to do so for the entire 30 days of this phase of the plan.  I just don't want to know!  Well .. I do … but I don't, if you know what I mean.  I know I am WAY less bloated and I likely have lost a few pounds .. but, as I said to Wanda, I am NOT in this for weight loss.  I'm in it for health - weight loss will be a benefit.  I don't have any weight loss goals.  I just want to feel better … and so far I do!  So … as I said in my title I'm practicing patience .. in a lot of was.  I'm being patient to let the process work and to cleanse the toxins out of my system.  I'm being patient with myself if I stumble.  The other day I had a (healthy) bowl of homemade tortellini soup.  It was good but I felt like CRAP for the next 5 hours!  I was SO thirsty (too much salt in it) and my guy blew up like a balloon.  I'm being patient by trying different foods and then trying to gauge how I feel.  Ate paste - felt shit.  No more pasta - at least for a while!  Maybe next time I'll try a corn pasta!

I'm being patient in tracking results.  I WANT to jump on the scale and see I've lost 20 pounds.  But that's not gunna happen.  Aside from the fact that I can't lose that much that fast I don't want to jump on the scale and see I've only lot 2 pounds.  That will mess with my head.  The number doesn't matter, right?  Truth be told I was looking in the mirror yesterday and thought I really didn't think I looked that much heavier at 200 than I did at 18 … so in my mind I'm 180.  Don't the scale to confirm nor deny!

Right now the goal is to stick with this 30 day cleanse and then reassess.  I think I can stick with the shakes ONCE a day - and maybe twice a day a few days a week … but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.  Right now it's all about the healthy choices and I've totally nailed that part.  Next up I want to increase my activity.  My feet are more or less better, so I can walk .. but that bores me after a while and really, I don't WANT to walk for an hour a day, especially as it gets colder so one day soon I hope to press play on my pilates videos … not ready to commit to that quite yet.  I'm still super busy with stamping, my brother in town, Alicia's birthday and on and on.  Things slow down Dec 1st so I'll just take one day at a time until then and fit in what I can when I can.  That's the secret to lifestyle change, right?  Small, manageable changes.  That's what I'm committed to … at least for today :)

Time to go baste the turkey .. hope you're well.  I'll try to check in again next weekend.  xoxo


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