Friday, December 16, 2016

Tis the Season ...

Hey Girlfriend!

Almost read for Christmas?  I am and I'm not.  All the shopping had been done since Dec 1 but I can't start the wrapping until I get those 90 Christmas cards in the mail!  I'm done about 60 of them.  I'll get the rest done this morning so I can move on!

Now.  Let's get real.  Healthy Living?  Ya no.  Quite the shit show going on this week, I have to admit!  I KNEW it was a mistake to do all that yummy baking with the girls last weekend.  Ugh.  I THOUGHT I could do it.  I THOUGHT I could have cookies, marshmallow logs and butter tarts in the house and resist.  I was wrong.  WTF is WRONG with me????  I DO find the psychology of it all very interesting.  I start the day off right.  Every.  Single.  Morning.  I have a nutritious shake.  I am proud of myself and have grand visions of working out, eating right and staying in control.  I actually DID work out twice this week.  Monday and Tuesday.  Lunch rolls around.  I have a healthy one.  Then, around 3:00 the kids are home.  Two day in a row they didn't eat their marshmallow rolls … so I did.  Then dinner happens.  I eat my dinner … too MUCH dinner … then I have a butter tart … and maybe a cookie.  Well … why stop now?  Might as well have a handful of M&M's.  Did someone say popcorn?  I'm in!


Yesterday I was better.  Had a wee chat with myself.  Do NOT wanna gain back the 10 I lost this year so I reeled it in.  I was still far from perfect. I still overate at dinner but I resisted all the baking.  "Just for Today", I kept telling myself.  Around 8:00 I was trolling through the pantry for something yummy.  I had an Isagenix chocolate instead of the butter tart.  Just for today.

Today I feel stronger, knowing I made better choices yesterday.  Again, the psychology interests me.  When the downward slide starts it picks up momentum and I (use to) slide for a week … or a month.  Now I recognize the slide and CHOOSE to stop it.  Sure, it took me two days to stop it but it's better than a week or a month.  Once I start the UPWARD slide (by that I don't mean a tedious uphill climb but rather a positive slide) it TOO gains momentum.  Yesterday was tough but I was strong … and today I feel stronger.  SO much of success is in our self-talk and attitude.  I have been a little harder on myself this week when I look in the mirror.  I'm very wide!  That is the truth … but I recognize it as fact .. then say something nice to myself about my curves … realize thousands of women would love to have these curves!

So today … just for today … I'm going to do my best.  I'm going to try to avoid the treats and drink my water.  I'm going to try to make healthy choices … but I'm also going to enjoy the season without the guilt.  I do plan to have popcorn with a movie tonight with the family.  I do plan to have some "naughty food" at the Open House we're going to on Sunday.  But I also plan to be kind to myself.  I plan to plan moderation … and I plan to maintain.  i'm not chucking in the towel and I WILL do better in the new year. Until then I plan to enjoy and give myself a break.

I hope you are enjoying the run up to Christmas!  It only happens once a year (I'm a little glad about that *lol*)  Stay warm, Girlfriend and I'll ttys  xoxo


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