Friday, July 29, 2016

Let's Weigh In ...

Hey Girlfriend!

Happy Friday!  Friday - that means I started tis blog one week ago.  Wow.  And "they" said it would never last *lol*

Dunno if I'm get deep and philosophical today or not … guess we'll see where my rambling takes us today!

I just want to reflect on the last week, what I've learned and how I've done.

To be honest I'm surprised at how much smarter I feel!  Everything just seems to be crystal clear and make sense to me.  Of course next week I could be right back where I was a month ago … but I don't think so.  I THINK this time is different.  I THINK my approach of Just For Today will continue to work for me.

Little bite size commitments.  Commitments that I can easily focus on and can succeed in fulfilling.  That seems to be the key.  SUCCEEDING!  Every day I can - and WILL - succeed!  I'm not tackling some giant mountain that, say, after one week, when I haven't reached the top of it, I lose momentum, see how far I have to go, how much work it will be and throw in the towel.  I'm not setting myself up to fail.  I'm setting myself up to have 365 successes in one year!  By succeeding 365 times I will also have succeeded 52 times, as I chip away at the weeks until I'm 50.  The goal isn't too big but the reward is just as satisfying.  Seven times in the last 7 days I succeeded.  1 week down, 49 to go.  I'm on my way! It was easy.  I have no reason to think next week will be any different … and on it will go.

Every day I succeed I will be reinforcing all the positive messages I need to reinforce to change that tape in my head.  I AM strong enough.  I AM capable of improving.  I AM enough.

So.  How have I DONE??  Have I lost any weight.





Who cares???  In the grand scheme of life does it really matter?  Looking at the state of the world these days - politics, wars, crimes, poverty, climate change, endangered animals …. does what the scale says when I step on it matter one little bit?  Really?  No.

Do I CARE if I've lost weight?  No.

Am I CURIOUS if I lost weight?  A little.

Am I going to weigh myself to find out?  Nope.

Just for Today I Choose not to weigh myself.

What will weighing myself accomplish?  What does the number MEAN?  Sweet fuck all.  It is an irrelevant number.

Let's say the scale has the same number on it that it had last Friday morning.  What would that mean?  Would it mean I hadn't lost weight?  No.  It would not mean that.  I don't KNOW what it would mean. Maybe I lost FAT but gained MUSCLE.  Anyone who has spent 5 minutes on any diet in their life knows muscles weighs more than fat.  So the number on the scale means nothing.  Maybe I lost fat AND muscle … but maybe my taco spice has me retaining water from all the salt.  Maybe I haven't pooped the same amount this morning as I did last Friday morning.  Maybe I have more bellybutton lint today.  Maybe my hair is longer and weighs more.  Maybe maybe maybe.


So.  How have I DONE??  Am I healthier?  YES!  I have made GOOD food choices this week.  My bod will thank me for that!  I'm DEFINITELY mentally healthier!  I haven't been this "clear" since my 20's, I swear!  I'm ABSOLUTELLY 100% HAPPIER! … and more grateful for everything I have and am able to do.  Yes, my feet hurt.  Waaaaa.  And?  Again - in the grand scheme of things if that is my biggest complaint I'm one lucky bitch.  Seriously.  So damned lucky.

How have I done?  You tell me.

Just for Today I Choose …

  • not to weigh myself
  • to smile … all day … for no apparent reason
  • revel in my awesomeness
  • have sex with my husband (and no - I won't be reporting back tomorrow on how successful that one went LMAO!)
Can you tell tho journey has me happy and excited?  GOOD!  Join me!  Do what you need to do.  Dip your toe in that pool.  Set a little bitty goal … and knock it out of the park! … even if it's Just for Today,

Love you Girlfriend xoxox


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