Monday, July 25, 2016

What's YOUR Word?

Hey Girlfriend!

Ready for a new week of awesomeness?  Seven days of "clean sheets of paper"?  New beginnings, new challenges, fresh starts?  I am!  It's amazing the influence your first thoughts of the day have on the rest of your day, isn't it?  I had (yet ANOTHER) lousy sleep last night.  Between the gerbils, the cat, Alicia, my bladder and a sore back I only had a few solid hours of sleep.  The rest was very broken.  So what ELSE does a girl do at 3:42 am when she can't sleep but ponder what she's going to blog about in a few hours??!!

I was reflecting on just how HAPPY I have felt since I took your advice to "do it!" and start this blog (that's right, Sara - Im talkin' to YOU *lol*).  I was wondering "why"?  WHY was I feeling so happy? What is it about baring myself completely and openly to the blogging world that would change my whole energy - my whole outlook - my whole attitude so completely??  Why is choosing this path so empowering for me?

  • Is it that I get to be the centre of attention for a few minutes in somebody's day while they read all about ME?
  • Is it the validation I crave … or NEED to feel I'm on the right path?
  • Is it that I get to be "one of the gals" who is doing what everyone else seems to be doing by "choosing healthy"
  • Is it that I get to avoid cleaning or other mundane chores by sitting behind a computer and hiding from my "real" responsibilities?
Maybe it's a little bit of all of that.  Or how about …

  • Is it that for an hour or so a day it GETS to be all about ME as I put ME first, for a change
  • Is it that I feel worthy enough to DESERVE that hour a day
  • Is it that I know by doing this I am tiptoeing towards a better, healthier, stronger, happier me?
Maybe it's a little bit of all those things too.

Then it really hit me.  What is so empowering about choosing to do this?  THE CHOOSING.  The choosing.  I'm not doing this because I "should".  I'm not doing this because I "have to.  I'm doing this because I WANT to.  I'm CHOOSING it.  For whatever reason, it's a choice - and THAT My Friend changes everything.

A few days ago, when Craig offered me that chicken wing.  I thought about it.  I CHOSE to eat it.

Saturday, when the kids went swimming.  I thought about it.  I CHOSE to swim too.

Last night I realized I hadn't done my Pilates DVD.  I CHOSE to do it at 7:30 pm.

It's the CHOOSING that makes me happy.  It's the CHOOSING that empowers me.  I'M the one in control.  ME!

Tonight I'm going to a BBQ.  I will CHOOSE what I want to eat.  Maybe I'll have a chicken wrap before I go so I can CHOOSE to forego the hotdog but CHOOSE to have a little piece of cake.  Maybe I'll CHOOSE to have a salad.  Maybe I'll CHOOSE to eat anything I want.  Dunno yet.  The point is I will consciously choose.  And that will empower me and I will not have "eaters remorse" afterwards BECAUSE I chose.

My Facebook friends know that every January I ask "What is your word for the year?"  What ONE word is the word you would chose to channel your thoughts and actions throughout the year?  Think about it!  The first year I tried this I came up with the word "Enjoy" and, to date, that was my most "successful" word of the year.  That one word really was the focus in everything I did that year.  I would consciously think about ENJOYING whatever I was doing.  I would ENJOY the girls, I would ENJOY my work, I would ENJOY whatever I was doing when I was doing it.  It reminded me to "stop and smell the roses", to "live in the moment" and "be present" in all that I did.  It was a great year.  To tell you truth I can't remember what my word is this year.  What does that tell you?  Well - let's "do-over", shall we?  From today on my word for the year is CHOOSE.  I will live on purpose.  I will CHOOSE consciously and I will start each day on purposes.  Posting here every day will definitely help me keep that in the foreground of my mind and will help me start each day on the right foot and in the right frame of mind.

So!  What shall I CHOOSE to do "Just for Today"?  Well, first of all I'm going to alter the "Just for Today" to "Just for Today I CHOOSE"!  Hmmmmm …

This blog isn't just about a journey to losing a bit of weight, it's about being a better version of myself physically, mentally and spiritually.  So ….

Just for Today I Choose to …

  • disconnect from the internet to spend a few hours connecting with the girls
  • have primarily protein and veg throughout the day so I can choose to have a hotdog tonight and still stay within my 1,200 - 1,500 calorie count
  • feel pretty.  I'm going to wear a pretty top and put on lipstick just to go to the park
Now I'm off to have a protein shake and limp the dog (lol - yes, walking is getting a bit easier - and I'm going a bit further each day - but I still limp near the end)

Thanks for popping by.  Leave me a comment to let me know "What's your word" and then take today to focus ON that word to see how it can change EVERYTHING - even if it's Just for Today.

Love you Girlfriend xoxo


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