Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fasting Results

Hey Girlfriend!

Is it wrong to have a piece of turkey breast first thing in the morning?  *lol*.  I have seriously thought of little else since Monday morning!  It damn near KILLED me to make dinner for the family last night and practically sucked the skin right off my fingers after cutting up the turkey breast!  I'm VERY happy the two-day fast is over!

"They" say Day 2 is supposed to be easier than Day 1.  I didn't find that.  I was ok until about 3:00 pm.  It helped that I was out a large portion of the day (today is Alicia's birthday and I needed presents!) but once I got home I got more and more and more irritable!  Was barking at everyone.  It wasn't pretty!  By 6:00 I couldn't take the anger anymore.  I ate 2 small cucumbers … and I was better.  It's true what the commercial says - "you aren't yourself when you're hungry"!

The family didn't "get" why I was putting myself through all that.  Well … in an effort to detox, I suppose.  I do think my body has been a toxic wasteland for the last year and wanted to clean up a bit.  Now the challenge is to keep eating clean for the next week until my next cleanse.  I had decided when I started this 30-Day Cleanse that I would do (3) two-day cleanses in the month.  This is supposed to be the most effective way to reset the system.  Now that I've done one round I'm really not sure if I will do another two day one or not.  I may just do a one-day cleanse every week moving forward.  I found day 1 easier in that I REALLY don't care for what I DO gt to put in my mouth (other than the delicious chocolates!).  The drink is vile - I mix it with a splash of water and shoot it, followed my a glass of water to get rid of the taste.  I didn't MIND the "Scooby Snacks" on day one but by the end of Day two I couldn't even eat one … I skipped the last round of "snacks".  Aside from that  I'm not sure if I can handle the mental aspect of it.  Once again my obsessive nature was starting to rear it's ugly head.  Come 6:00 pm I WANTED to eat but started to feel I had "failed" if I did.  That's not good.  I got a grip, realized I was being bitchy because I WANTED to eat but felt I SHOULDN'T.  That's when things start to go off the rails.  I can mange a one-day cleanse.  Two days - not so sure.  I've schedule my next one for next Thurs and Fri.  I'll do one day and see where I'm at.  I suspect I can make it until noon or dinner on the second day.  We'll see.

So … the results.

Monday morning, if you'll recall, I weighed in at 198.4.  This morning I was 193.6.  So a loss of 4.8 pounds.  Not BAD for a two day struggle!  It's a 10.2 pound loss from last Monday morning.  10.2 pounds in 9 days.  THAT I like!

I'm not going to get all stupid, though.  I'm quite sure that one piece of turkey meat added back 2 pounds … so I won't be weighing myself again for a while!  Ten pounds is great.  I'm THRILLED to be fairly solidly under 200 … but that's just 1 week, partially water and not the main goal.  So I'm gunna relax, keep doing my shakes for breakfast, shake and veg for lunch, healthy fruit/veg snacks and a really reasonable dinner moving forward.  This week won't be "easy" in that Alicia and I have our "Mommy/Daughter Day Out" for her birthday.  That ALWAYS means A&W for lunch for her.  On the bright side I can't remember ever NOT being on some sort of diet on our day out so having a salad or protein bar instead of burger and fries won't be a problem for me.  She wants spaghetti for dinner.  No problem.  Pasta for them, spaghettis squash for me.  I really don't want to "gunk up" my system today.  I KNOW I'd feel like crap if I ate badly today, of all days!  Didn't starve for 2 days to go back to how things were!

It's also her Birthday party Friday/Saturday so lots of temptations … but pretty sure I can resist those.  I don't even LIKE pizza and the thought of greasy junk food doesn't appeal to me at ALL!

Thanksgiving is this weekend as well.  That means dinner at Mom's.  No problem.  Kinda gone off mashed potatoes so turkey and lots of veg for me.

Moderation is the key this week.  I'm not "dieting" in my mind - I'm living healthily … without getting all crazy obsessed.  I will eat slowly, monitor how I feel and if I want something I will think about if I REALLY want it, if its habit, or if it's worth having .. and then I will just have a few bites of it.

Im feeling really strong today.  Focused and determined.  I really DO want this to be my new lifestyle and way of eating.  I'm changing my relationship with food and it feels awesome :)

Hope you're doing well - see you soon!  xoxo


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