Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Whole Lotta Nuthin

Hey Girlfriend!

Hmmmmm - been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to thin of something to say.  I got nuthin!  Now THAT'S a first! *lol*.  Figured I'd just start typing and see what happens so don't expect anything TOO deep today!

Yesterday was a RAGING success in my books!  I got the 2.5 litres down (would have been more but had to sit it down early so my bladder could make it through the night!).  I was really happy with the 2.5 litres given that I was out most of the day running errands and getting groceries so making sure I stuck to my goal was key to my success (that and knowing where the nearest public washroom was at all times!)

Nailed the eating too.  I stuck to my goals - no leftovers, no pie and lots of veg.  I had a late breakfast of eggs then grabbed a banana (belch) and a protein bar for the road.  I was thrilled that I really wasn't hungry until about 4:00, when I got home.  Wanted a snack.  Had 3 little market cucumbers.  D-LISH!!

I made traditional spaghetti - with ground beef sauce.  I seem to have a spaghetti squash addiction this week so I cooked myself one of those to have instead of noodles.  Although I drained the ground beef, the high-quality sauce I use does have quite a bit of oil in it and I decided I wanted something lighter.  Grabbed a pack of the ground turkey I had just bought and fried that up, adding a touch of oil so it didn't burn.

Fried up an orange pepper and some red onion, added some Sweet Basil spice (Pampered Chef) and it was totally delicious.  JUST what I was craving and SO healthy!  … not to mention how MUCH I got to eat (I AM a quantity kinda gal!)
I gave Alicia (my 10 year old) a bite (she's my "try-inator") and got the raised eyebrows which in tween language means "Hmmmm - doesn't suck!"  I doubt she would eat mrs than a few bites but it's a start!

It was a non-stop day and my feet where absolutely throbbing with pain.  I headed upstairs to do a bit of paperwork and realized I hadn't done my pilates video.  Down I went, at 8:00 pm, and crushed it!  It actually felt GREAT (painful, but great!)  This foot business has me limping and walking in whatever way I can to get from point A to point B and, in the process, it's throwing out my knee, back, shoulder and HIPS.  They are SO tight!  So to get on the floor and stretch those muscles in a healthy way not only felt good physically it boosted m mood mentally.  Look at ME taking care of my body!  *insert pat on the back here*

I made a chiro appointment for tomorrow … and a massage appointment for Aug 24th (soonest I can get in!!)  The receptionist seems to thing my chiropractor can help with my feet.  Not sure how, as it's muscle / fascia related but I'll give it a shot at this point!

So that was my yesterday.  Today … hmmm … not much going on today.  The girls' friends are coming over this afternoon; have some work to do and bills to pay …. what can I commit to that keeps me moving forward today??

Well … Just for Today I Choose to …

  • keep drinking that water.  2.5 litres minimum (it does seem to help my feet to lee the fascia hydrated!)
  • eat a banana (potassium helps my body absorb the water)
  • Prep the fruit and veg I bought yesterday
  • resist that pie one more day - it will be gone by tomorrow!
  • research a heathy stew dish for dinner (using my fancy new "Instant Pot"
  • do the Butt and Thigh pilates DVD again AND the Abs DVD
I think that's enough for today.  gotta make sure the goals are achievable!

So ya - nothing to deep or earth shattering today - just random rambling that helps me keep my focus on moving forward and setting the day up for success.  Thanks for listening.  Let's do it again tomorrow :)

Love you Girlfriend xo


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